In this notebook, we’ll implement an example application of linear regression applied to behavioral and electrophysiologicial data.
Load the data
The example behavioral and electrophysiologicial data is regression_example_data.csv. Get these data, and load them:
Visualize the data
Compute the correlation between \(x\) and \(y\).
Regression (compute it)
Model the data using regression.
Regression (plot it)
Plot the estimated regression model with the data.
Regression example (Part 2)
We learn that an additional predictor - age - impacts task performance.
Visualize the new data
Correlation (between task performance and age)
Visualize all data
Regression (compute it with all data)
Model all data using regression.
Regression (plot it with all data)
Plot the estimated regression model with two predictors and all data.